Is it too late for my Newborn photos?
Is my baby too old for newborn photos?
The current lockdown situation in the UK doesn’t stop baby’s being born. They arrive whatever the situation! Obviously its not possible to venture out and have baby photos done right now, with all non-essential businesses being closed.
The question I’m getting asked a lot at the moment, ” is my baby going to be too old for sleepy newborn photos”.
My answer is always the same. We can definitely create beautiful newborn style photos with babies that are more than a few days old. Infact they can be 12-13 weeks old and still get sleepy newborn photos, it just takes a little forward planning.
How to prepare for the session.
There are a few ways you can help prepare for an older newborn photo session.
- Book the session time to fit in around normal nap times. From about 6 weeks baby start to fall into a rhythm with naps, this means you have a better idea when your baby is most likely to be sleepy.
- Have lots of awake time before the session. Its not always possible especially if you have a long journey to make to get to the studio, but try to have some awake fun time before the session.
- Babies sleep best on a full tummy. Bring milk to the session to fill those tummys and help make them sleepy. If you use a dummy bring that too as it can help to settle baby.
- Dress baby in something easy to take off like a baby grow or vest. This makes it easier to undress them if they are sleepy on arrival.
- Last but not least allow time, time to relax and really enjoy the photoshoot. The session can take an hour or it could take 3 hours, it just depends on the baby on the day.
What to expect during the session.
Whether your baby is a few weeks old or a few months old you can expect a fun, relaxed and stress free photoshoot. I have over 9 years of experience with newborns and have photographed well over a thousand now.
So expect to arrive at the studio, sit in comfortable surroundings drink tea and relax whilst I photograph your adorable baby. I have lots of tricks up my sleeve to ensure we get great photos for you to cherish.
There will be plenty of time to capture those important memories, please stay safe and enjoy the time with your new family. When the time is right, get in touch and we can book that all-important photoshoot.
Bye for now
Karen x
Siblings and Newborns-What to expect during your photoshoot.
Can the rest of my children come to the newborn session?
I’m experienced newborn photographer and a mum of two myself. I know that one of the most important photos parents want from the newborn photoshoot is the siblings and newborns together. I really understand that its the most important photo of the whole session for parents, often topping the family photo.
So yes, absolutely do bring the other children to the session. At the newborn photoshoot booking we can discuss the best way to organise the photo session to include the siblings.
In an ideal world, your toddler/child will sit nicely, carefully cradling the precious new bundle and smile adoringly at the camera. Oh if only, my job would be made so easy!
Younger children especially, react differently to the changes when a new baby arrives. Some love their new sibling others can’t even bear to be near the new baby. On the whole most toddlers just too busy and mostly ignore the new arrival. All of these traits can make it quite tricky to get the siblings and newborns together for the sibling photo.
I have years of experience so I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to help get those all-important photos of the kids together.
There are also a few things that you could do at home to help the session go more smoothly.
Tips for a smooth session.
- If they are old enough then get them used to cuddling the baby. In a safe way either on your lap or in the corner or the sofa with your assistance.
- Try to mention you are coming to visit Karen and shes going to take some photos so its not a total shock when they arrive at the studio.
- Get them used to having photos taken with the baby and ask them to smile.
- Make sure the older children aren’t tired or hungry or both at the time the session is booked for.
- Bring the outfit you’d like them to wear to keep it clean until they need to wear it. Avoid bright colours, patterns and pictures if possible.
- Bring a favourite toy or cuddly to keep them entertained during the session.
- Bribery if all else fails. Try not to make it chocolate though , it can get messy with a mouth full of chocolate.
- Finally don’t stress about the session, I have lots of tricks to help get those all-important memories.
Siblings and Newborns
There are lots of ways to get your children in the photo for the important siblings and newborns together. But if a toddler really doesn’t want to join in then we can use the magic of photoshop to get them together.
Most newborn photoshoot sessions are during the week so if you have a child at school don’t worry, we can split the session. It is possible to do the newborn part of the session, come back after school, and do the family and sibling shots.
Same goes for toddlers, if you think they may struggle to cope with staying in one place for a few hours then have a chat with me and we can work out the best way to get the photos you want in the most stress free way.
Hope this give you some hints and tips on how a newborn photosession works with siblings whatever their age. if you’d like more info then please drop me message.
Bye for now 🙂
Karen x