I’m Newborn Photographer of the Year 2021!
Every year the annual Societies of Photographers Convention is held in London. As I write this, I’ve just got back, and I’m exhausted!!
As ever, it was a brilliant event – a great chance to catch up with photography friends but also to find out whether my newborn photography would make the cut in their prestigious photography awards.
Well, I’m delighted to share with you that it did! I won the title of ‘Newborn Photographer of the Year’!
Newborn Photographer of the Year
These awards are entered by thousands of photographers from around the world. Let me tell you, competition is tough in every category!
Many fabulous newborn portraits are entered by some of the world’s very best baby photographers, which makes it all the more thrilling to think that I’ve now won the title!
Although I found out a few months ago that I was in the running for the Newborn Photographer of the Year, so were several other brilliant photographers. So, you never know until the announcement during the award ceremony, whether you’ve been successful or not.
I was certainly feeling nervous as it came closer to results time. When I heard my name, I was delighted!! I was on a high for hours afterwards.
My award-winning newborn portrait
The newborn photo that I won the Newborn Photographer of the Year title with was this intimate portrait of a new mother breastfeeding. Who would have thought it?
I’m immensely proud of this photo – it’s beautiful and raw, and just perfectly natural.

Judges comments
“A lovely, tender moment caught between mother and baby with a fantastic monochrome conversion. This image caught the judge’s eyes straight away as it’s not something they often see in the competition, and its impact carried it through to win the category.“
Shaking off the stigma around breastfeeding
I’m really keen to play a part in normalising breastfeeding and to shake off the stigma around what is an entirely natural part of motherhood.
On the plus side, I do think gradually society is changing. Women are beginning to feel more empowered about their rights as mothers, and are not hiding their breastfeeding as they once did. This can only be a positive thing.
My hope is that by winning an international photography award for one of my breastfeeding images and having this portrait seen by thousands of people (and maybe even more), it’ll help breastfeeding to become even more widely accepted.
I was really encouraged when MP Stella Creasy attended the Houses of Parliament with her sleeping newborn last year.
This led to a wider conversation about the rights and wrongs of traditionally-held views around breastfeeding. It was a triumph for all working mothers when it was announced that breastfeeding is now permitted within the House of Parliament. Slowly but surely, breastfeeding is likely to become accepted in more workplaces as a result.
Celebrating a natural part of motherhood
Breastfeeding does seem to be becoming accepted and celebrated, rather than treated as something that should remain hidden and be not talked about.
Certainly, a world where breastfeeding is welcomed and respected as a completely normal and natural part of motherhood is one that I want to live in. Do you feel the same? Let me know in the comments below.
Breastfeeding photography
I’m asked more and more often by my clients to photograph them breastfeeding their child. This is something that I am always happy to do during your baby’s newborn photoshoot. While it’s not for everyone, it is something I can offer so please don’t be afraid to ask.
Do contact me to book in for a newborn photoshoot if you’re expecting this year, and don’t forget to book as early as possible to secure your preferred date.
What if my baby poos during their newborn session?!
I’ve photographed over 1200 newborn babies in my career as a professional newborn photographer, and I’m one of the longest-established in the Bournemouth and Poole areas. I opened my photography studio doors to clients back in 2011.
So, it would be fair to say that I know my stuff when it comes to handling and photographing newborn babies and I’ve seen it all!
Related reading: I’m Newborn Photographer of the Year
Answering your questions about professional baby photography
But as a parent-to-be, I realise that you might not know the first thing about newborn photography. So, you’ll likely have lots of questions before you book.
In this article I’ll address some of the most common questions I get asked and hope to put your mind at ease about the whole process.
Questions I’m often asked about newborn photography
In my experience, these are the most frequently asked questions I get from parents who are new to newborn photography:
- What happens if my baby poos/wees?
- What happens if my baby won’t sleep?
- What happens if the baby needs feeding during the photoshoot?
- What do I need to do during the photoshoot?
- Can I bring my toddler and/or family member?
There are lots of other questions, of course. Many of which I answer on my Frequently Asked Questions page, so do also take a visit there as well.
Related reading: Is newborn photography worth it?
Your questions about newborn photography answered
1. What happens if my baby wees/poos during the photoshoot?
This is something that you really shouldn’t worry about!
You’ll have noticed that babies are naked during their photo session, and I photograph them when they aren’t wearing a nappy.
What you may not have realised is that I place a nappy loosely on their bottom for the duration of the shoot, removing it just before the photo is taken and popping it back on afterwards. That way, we can capture any poo or wee as it happens.
That said, it’s common for a baby to wee or poo on the floor, in my arms, or when being photographed and it’s honestly not a problem! Nearly every baby will have an “accident” in the studio at some point during the session.
I’m used to it and after working with more than 1200 babies, it’s pretty much the norm. I won’t be alarmed and there’s no need to worry about this happening – it probably will, so just relax and accept the inevitable!
Everything I use in the studio is washable and gets cleaned after each session anyway. And I have plenty of wipes, anti-Bac lotion and fresh blankets and wraps to use if any get wet or dirty.
2. What happens if my baby won’t sleep?
This is another thing that you needn’t worry about.
I allow up to four hours for newborn sessions, so there is plenty of time to get the sleeping baby pictures you are after, even if your baby isn’t feeling sleepy when you first arrive.
Newborns sleep for most of the day in the weeks after they are born, so this really isn’t something to worry about! And it can be lovely to get some wide awake, eyes-open images anyway.
I’ve also got some tried and tested ways of getting babies to sleep – in fact, I’m known as the Baby Whisperer! The Daily Mail newspaper even ran this feature on me and my baby whispering techniques!
Some other things I do, to encourage your newborn to sleep, includes wrapping them to make them feel comfortable and at ease. My lovely warm studio, set at the optimum temperature for newborns, and gentle white noise in the background also really help.
I’m also very laid back and this makes a difference! Babies are clever little things and can sense if the person handling them is not relaxed, and this can make them more unsettled.
Remember, there are usually only a few reasons why a baby would cry, and hunger is the main one. There’s plenty of time for settling and feeding them, so there’s no need for you (or them) to feel under pressure at any point during your time with me.
My approach is to accept that your baby will likely be awake some of the time during their portrait session. We just go with the flow, safe in the knowledge that they will sleep eventually.
What happens if the baby needs feeding during the photoshoot?
Your baby WILL need feeding during the session, and that’s totally fine!
Remember to bring their milk, or feel free to breastfeed in my studio. I have a breastfeeding cushion available for you to use and comfy chairs.
The important thing for you to realise is that all my newborn photoshoots are done to suit your baby. I take regular breaks and work around your baby’s feeding schedule.
So, please feed your baby as normal ahead of the session. But I will be needing you to feed them throughout as well, to encourage them to drop off to sleep so that I can get those adorable sleeping baby photographs that you want.
A newborn session lasts up to four hours as a lot of time is required to settle the baby to sleep and move them into position to be photographed. If your little one is fed and sleepy when you arrive, then we can potentially obtain more photographs in the time available.
What do I/we need to do during the photoshoot?
The answer to that is…not a lot!
In some cases, I ask parents to sit close by to the baby as a safety precaution. But usually, the photoshoot is a time when you can actually kick back and relax as I will soothe the baby and settle them into position ready for photographing.
Most parents really enjoy watching the process and some even get the chance to have a short snooze!
You don’t need to bring much along to the session either. You really just need your baby and their milk, nappies and a dummy if you use one. I have a changing mat that you can use, and there’s plenty of tea, coffee and custard creams (my fave) in the studio.
You might like to bring extra snacks and a change of clothes for the photos, but that would probably be it!
Can I bring my toddler, partner and/or another family member?
The answer to this is 100% yes!
While some mummies come along with their babies alone, some parents also come together. After all, the newborn session takes place in the first couple of weeks after your baby is born and daddies are usually on paternity leave.
I actually really encourage parents and siblings to have photos with the new baby, so coming altogether, if you can, is ideal.
Even if you don’t feel up to it though, (and let’s face it, if you’ve just given birth and are probably not feeling your best), please do have these photos taken. It’s my job to make you look like the amazing new parents that you are. Come as you are and I’ll do the rest!
When it comes to what to wear, I suggest light or dark tops for the photos. Try to avoid bright patterns and anything with logos as this can date the photos. No need to go on a special shopping trip though. A plain white or black t-shirt is perfect.
Don’t forget, you’ll be able to look back on these special family portraits in years to come and marvel at how young you were! My own daughter loves nothing more than looking at baby photos and telling me I young I used to look!
It’s also absolutely possible to bring along any other children that you have! I understand that you may wish to get photos of your newborn alongside their older sibling(s).
Feel free to bring along quiet toys, books or anything that’ll keep them entertained in the studio. I also have a TV that you’re welcome to use.
Related reading: Siblings and newborns: What to expect during your photoshoot
It’s also ok to bring along a grandparent, close friend or another family member if you would find that helpful too.
My new photography studio has a dedicated area for parents/family members to relax in while the photoshoot is taking place.
All I ask is that you please aim to keep numbers to a minimum and that you let me know in advance of the shoot who you plan to bring along with you. This is so that I can plan the photoshoot accordingly and know who to expect on the day.
Related reading: What new parents need to know before hiring a newborn photographer
Do you have any other questions about newborn photography?
So, they are the most common questions I get asked about newborn photography.
What others do you have? Do please let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to visit my Frequently Asked Questions page as well.
The whole process really isn’t something to worry about and I hope that by answering these questions I have been able to put your mind at ease.
Many parents, when they visit my studio, tell me that the experience was far more relaxing and enjoyable than they had anticipated. They admit that they stressed themselves out about the ‘what if’s’, but when they come for their session they realise that all the worry was for nothing!
To book a newborn photoshoot with me, please either call me on 07749270431 or complete this contact form to make an enquiry.
Karen x
What happens during a newborn baby photoshoot?
If you’re considering hiring me as your newborn photographer, you’ll perhaps like to know what happens during a newborn baby photoshoot? Yes?
Well, if so, you’re in the right place. In today’s blog, I’m lifting the lid on the goings-on behind the scenes here at KW Photography, so that you have a really good idea of how I create the beautiful and creative newborn portraits like the ones shown in my newborn gallery.
What happens during a newborn baby photoshoot
Step 1: On the day of the baby photo session
When you arrive at my photography studio in Broadstone, Poole, you’ll be given a warm welcome and there will be plenty of time for you and your baby to settle and relax. You’ll be shown around the studio, offered drinks, we’ll sort the necessary paperwork and you’ll be given the chance to ask any final questions before I begin.
We’ll have previously talked about any preferences you have – such as the colours you’d like me to use in the photos – but we’ll chat about this again, and also more generally. You’ll tell me when your baby last fed, how they seem on the day and do feel free to mention anything else too.
You’ll notice that the studio is warm when you arrive, so dress in light layers. I tend to heat the studio to approximately 24 degrees for newborn sessions since your baby will be undressed and needs to be kept warm. I’ll lower the temperature slightly once they are wrapped (see step 3) and ready to be photographed.
Step 2: I settle the baby to sleep
As soon as you and the baby are comfortable, I’ll get started.
I’ll take your baby from you and then start settling them to sleep so that I can take the adorable ‘sleeping baby’ style photos that you’re after.
I do this rather than you so that we don’t disturb the baby once they are sleeping by moving them around and between us. It sometimes doesn’t take much to wake a baby!
Step 3: The baby is swaddled
Since babies like to be swaddled, once your baby is sleeping, I’ll wrap them to make them feel safe and secure. I use a skin-coloured stretch wrap and then, on top of that, a second wrap which is what you’ll see in the photos.
While doing this, I’ll be careful to make sure your baby is comfortable and that the feet and hands are positioned as I’d like them.
The safety of your newborn is my number one priority, so everything I do during the session will be done with this in mind.
Related reading: I’m Newborn Photographer of the Year
Step 4: The baby is positioned ready to be photographed
Once this is done, I’ll then position them in the prop I’m planning to use. This may be a cushion, a bucket, a basket – I have a huge variety of props in the studio.
And, just to reassure you, I’ll ensure that there is no risk of your baby falling, rolling or tipping out of the prop! All the baskets are weighted so that there is no risk of that.
For the more complex positions, I may ask you to support the baby with your hands while I take the photograph. But don’t worry, I edit your hand out of the photograph in the image processing stage later.
Step 5: I take a variety of photos
For each setup that I do (and I‘ll create several during your session), I’ll take a lot of photographs so that you have a variety of images to choose from.
- I’ll include detailed close-up shots – capturing the baby’s teeny tiny fingers and toes and, if I’m lucky, I may catch an adorable smile or yawn.
- I’ll also take photographs from a wider angle. It’s likely that you’ll see me adjusting my lighting as I work, in order to create different looks too.
You’ll notice that I keep my setups and colour schemes simple. With newborn babies, it’s best to keep the styling like this so that the focus is on the baby. I use gorgeous colours and soft fabrics that are soft to touch and cosy for my newborns.
Once I’ve captured those adorable prop setups, I move the baby to the bean bag posing area and get the lovely sleepy unwrapped photos too. If siblings are involved, then their star moment is guided by their age and their ability to cuddle their new sibling safely. So, I might suggest we start with sibling shots or I may suggest that we leave them to settle in the studio for a while before involving them in any photos.
Usually, I do family and parent shots at the end of the session as your baby may be awake by then, and they don’t need to be asleep if they are being cuddled by mummy and daddy.
Step 6: After your newborn baby photoshoot – Editing
Once you’ve returned home, I’ll begin working on the editing of your baby’s portraits. You can find out why professional photographers edit their photos here.
I don’t manipulate the images to the extent that your baby will look unnatural or plasticky – this would go against everything that I stand for! I’m all about natural baby photos and don’t believe in editing out all the baby’s imperfections – these are completely normal with newborn babies.
However, I do edit out the odd stray hair and some of the patches of red skin or where the skin is flaky. Your baby may also have milk spots.
Plus, in setups when parents have provided support to the baby’s head, I’ll edit out their hands. Clever, right?
Step 7: Viewing and ordering your newborn’s portraits
Once your image gallery is ready to view, I’ll send you a link to your online gallery. Or, if you prefer, we will have arranged an appointment for you to return to the studio to view the images on the large screen in my studio.
This viewing and ordering appointment is a great chance to get my help with selecting images from the gallery that you would like to buy. And I can give you advice on photo products and wall art (but don’t worry, it won’t be a hard sell!)
My newborn photography prices are available to view on my website, and images start from just £295 for ten photos on a bespoke USB.
Behind the scenes of a newborn baby photoshoot
So, I hope that insight into what happens during a newborn baby photoshoot has been useful?
To book your baby’s newborn session, please contact me. Please aim to book as early as possible – ideally around the time of your 20-week scan.
Bye for now,
Karen x
Essential newborn sleep tips for new parents: A free guide
Although they are adorable, there’s no denying it. Newborns are sleep thieves!
But, don’t worry – help is here! As a mum of two and a seasoned newborn, baby and family photographer, who has photographed more than 1000 babies, I’ve got lots of tried-and-tested newborn sleep tips up my sleeve.
Settling new babies is part and parcel of my job as a newborn photographer and I’m not known as a baby whisperer for nothing! So, trust me when I say that I know how to handle and settle babies and that, with my help, you’ll be getting your new baby off to sleep in no time!
My top tips for settling your newborn to sleep
Keep reading and you’ll discover that I’ve got lots of newborn sleep tips which will help to get even the most unsettled baby to sleep.
I’m listing three of my top ten baby sleeping hacks for new parents below, and the full list is available as a free downloadable guide. You can grab your copy by signing up here.
Many, many parents who have used my tips in the guide have since told me that they worked wonders for settling their newborn to sleep.
So, you really won’t want to miss this if you’re expecting a baby soon or already have welcomed your new bundle of joy and need some advice for settling them.
Newborn sleep habits
Before I get onto the newborn sleep tips, did you know that a baby can sleep for up to 18 hours per day in the first few weeks after birth?! Yep, that’s a LOT of sleep!
But some babies sleep more than others and sleep patterns will vary for a while until your baby is older and you manage to establish a sleep routine.
How much and when your newborn baby sleeps will be completely unique to them. Sleep may come in short bursts or your baby may sleep for longer periods – I’m afraid it’s the luck of the draw!
Forget about getting uninterrupted sleep through the night as a new parent. It’s to be expected that babies will wake up every few hours during the day and night as newborns to be fed. They’ll need feeding little and often.
You’ll have heard it before, but the only way to survive this disruption to your own sleep pattern is to try and get as much sleep as you can whenever the baby sleeps. Easier said than done sometimes, but it really is essential in order for you to be feeling your best.
Trying to survive on just a few hours a day won’t be fun over a long period, so always ask for help with caring for your baby if you’re in desperate need of more sleep.
Newborn sleep tips
As the following tips will highlight, there are lots of factors that may affect how long and how deeply your baby sleeps.
They can wake easily at the slightest of touches or if they feel cold. But a sleeping baby can also sleep through a fairly loud level of noise! Which leads me to the first of my tips on how to settle your newborn baby to sleep…
Use white noise
Newborn babies are comforted by the sound of white noise as it mimics the sounds they heard when they were in the womb. Remember, they have been listening to the sound of your breathing, your heart beating and your body making noises for months!
For this reason, babies find it easier to settle to sleep if there is low-level white noise in the background. It’s what’s familiar to them and will comfort them enough to sleep peacefully.
In my photography studio, I use an app on my iPhone to play soothing white noise during a newborn photoshoot. There are lots of free apps available that offer this functionality. But if you don’t have the help of a white noise machine or app, make your own sounds. ‘Shushing’ (making gentle ‘shush’ sounds) will help to the baby to sleep.
2. Get the room temperature right
Another thing I do in the photography studio is ensure that the room temperature is optimised for a newborn baby.
The studio is kept at around 23 degrees because they will spend much of the newborn photo session without clothes on. But, at home, you’ll want it slightly cooler, at around 20 degrees.
Keep a room thermometer in the room where your baby is sleeping so you can keep a close eye on the temperature and adjust their clothing according to the temperature.
Babies will need to be warm enough to settle to sleep but shouldn’t be overdressed or at risk of overheating.
3. Establish a routine
By the time your baby is a few months old you will probably want to have established some kind of sleep routine. This makes it easier for your baby to recognise the signs that bedtime is approaching.
Popular rituals in a bedtime routine include a warm bath, a change of nappy and clothes, a bedtime story or lullaby, milk and a cuddle.
Be warned though, sleep is regulated by hormones and until babies are about three months old they don’t know the difference between day and night. Their bodies don’t produce the hormones cortisol and melatonin that ours do, which regulates our sleep patterns.
So, don’t get too hung up on establishing a routine in the early months – try to just go with the flow.
Download your free ‘essential sleep tips for new parents’ guide
For seven more newborn sleep tips and the full guide in a downloadable PDF format, don’t forget to sign up here to have it sent to you by email.
I hope these help! Do let me know how you get on by posting in the comments below.
When should you book a cake smash photoshoot?
Cake smash photoshoots are usually done to commemorate a baby’s first birthday. So, if your little one’s birthday is fast approaching and you’re considering a cake smash session, now is the time to act!
However – and this may go against everything you’ve heard about cake smash sessions before – cake smash photoshoots don’t have to be done on your child’s first birthday.
It’s entirely up to you whether you choose to book your cake smash session to coincide with your baby’s exact birthday (availability permitting). Or, you can have the session either a few days or weeks – or even months – before or after the actual day.
There are no hard and fast rules here at KW Photography. I like to be flexible and accommodate my client’s wishes, and there have been several occasions in the past when parents have asked me to photograph babies older than one-year-old.
KW Photography Cake smash sessions
If you decide not to book a cake smash photoshoot around the exact time of your little one’s first birthday, rest assured, we can work round it!
I’ve photographed two-year-olds enjoying a cake smash session before. And I have photographed children at their eighteen-month milestone. And everything in between.
You are very welcome to book a cake smash photoshoot at any time from when your baby is comfortable sitting up unsupported and started eating solid food.
When to book a cake smash photoshoot
In terms of when should you book a cake smash photoshoot, I’d recommend the earlier the better. After all, once you’ve decided you want to have one, what’s the point in waiting?
By booking your cake smash photoshoot early (and by early, I mean several months in advance), you can have the peace of mind that your booking is confirmed and in the diary.
And it’s another thing off your to-do list!
But, in contrast, if you book a cake smash photoshoot at late notice – just weeks or days in advance of the date you’d like to attend – there is a real risk that I may not be able to fit you in around my other pre-booked photo sessions.
And I hate having to disappoint people or, worse, turning people away because I’m too busy.
Relaxed, flexible portrait sessions
The beauty of my cake smash photoshoots is that they are just one-hour long. This is enough time for me to get lots of great cake smash pictures for you, but not too long that your baby gets fed up.
And, by being quick and fuss-free, you can pop into the studio either in the morning or afternoon, and fit the session in around your schedule that day.
Cake smash photoshoots won’t take up lots of your precious time. And you’ll be so glad you went ahead once you receive the pictures from me. (You can view more examples here, in my cake smash gallery).
Book your cake smash photoshoot today
Cake smash photoshoots are great messy fun and the children really get stuck in most of the time.
It’s hilarious to watch them delving their hands into their coloured iced cake and to making a complete and utter mess! That’s when I get the capture their cheeky grins and excited little faces. And that’s before all the fun that’s to be had in my miniature roll-top bubble bath too!
Have you seen my cake smash video?
For more of an insight into what happens during one of my cake smash photoshoots, don’t miss my cake smash video. This went viral on social media last year and has been watched by more than 5.5 million people around the world! Take a look to see what fun it is!
How old should a baby be at their newborn baby photoshoot?
As a parent-to-be or new parent, you may be considering a newborn baby photoshoot.
You’ve seen sleeping baby portraits like these online and want similar photos of your own baby. And why wouldn’t you?
But you may have been put off slightly, simply because you’ve been told that your baby must be only days or a week or so old at the time of their newborn baby photoshoot.
And for whatever reason, your baby is already older than this.
- Perhaps you’ve only just begun considering newborn photography and your baby is already several weeks old?
- Perhaps you hadn’t realised you needed to book in advance, so in the days that have passed while you try to find a photographer, your baby is now several weeks old?
- Maybe there were complications at the birth or afterwards which has led you or the baby to have been in hospital for longer than expected, so you haven’t been able to get to a photographer’s studio in those early weeks?
- Or maybe, you‘re just finding the whole experience of having a baby exhausting and overwhelming (you wouldn’t be alone on this one!) and just haven’t been able to get out of your PJ’s let alone out of the house with the new baby?
You CAN still have a newborn baby photoshoot if your baby is older than 14 days
Whatever the reason for you not having had your newborn baby photoshoot yet, fear not!
I’m here today to tell you that there IS still time for a photographer to capture beautiful sleeping photos of your baby.
And yes, I mean, EVEN if they are more than a few weeks old.
Newborn photography for ‘older’ babies
Case in point. I had beautiful baby Piper in the studio recently who was far from a sleeping, curled up newborn. She was a chunky 13 weeks old.
She was a gorgeous girly and lovely to work with, although obviously was so much bigger and more alert than the newborn babies that I am usually photographing in my studio.
OK, it was more challenging for me perhaps.
With her not sleeping as much as a days-old newborn would, it was certainly a completely different experience for me as the photographer.
I needed to be able to position her a little differently to how I would a tiny newborn but was still able to get those super sleepy poses parents love. When I have an older newborn in the studio I love to get those giggles and smiles too for parents. As you can see, Piper was full of fun!
Photography for children of all ages
I got some gorgeous portraits of baby Piper and am thrilled with the results. And, most importantly, so are her parents!
She is not the first ‘older’ newborn baby I have photographed either.
No, in my eight years as a newborn photographer I have worked with loads of babies who are considered ‘too old’ for newborn photography.
Can you believe that most newborn photographers consider babies ‘too old’ if they are over four weeks old? Crazy!
I am proud to be able to offer my services to clients whatever the age of their baby.
Rudy here is a bonny nine weeks old. Giggling and sleeping, even after a long car journey to me.
Experienced newborn photographer
I guess that it comes down to experience.
I have eight solid years of experience working with newborns and am confident that I can work with babies of any age.
But I also think that I am not afraid of a challenge, and don’t want to always go for the easy option.
Working with an older baby might be different to a typical newborn baby photoshoot, but the satisfaction of meeting the challenge and achieving results like these is extremely satisfying!
Book your newborn baby photoshoot today
The truth is, I love photographing babies of all ages. Take a look at my newborn and baby gallery here to see just a small selection of the portraits I have taken.
I am based in Dorset but regularly have clients travelling from London and across neighbouring counties, and even from abroad, to have their photos with me. So, if you haven’t found a photographer willing to do your newborn baby photoshoot, if your baby is more than a few weeks old, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!
To book your session contact me on 07749 270431, email me at karenwiltshire@me.com or complete the contact form on my website.
Karen x
Beach Days - Sandy toes and Salty kisses
Dorset Beach Photographer
I’m lucky enough to live and work as a family photographer on the sunny south coast in Dorset. Dorset is well known as a top UK holiday destination and has so many gorgeous places to visit. I feel spoilt for choice for photography locations in the local area. From the beautiful rolling countryside with spectacular views, to the award-winning beaches at Bournemouth and Poole. Not forgetting the dramatic Jurassic Coast, there’s something for everyone. I feel so lucky to be able to be a Dorset beach photographer.
Visitors flock to our beaches from far and wide because they are so unspoilt. Miles of golden sandy beaches, white cliffs and pristine coves to explore with the family. If you love relaxing by laying on the beach sunbathing then visit the 7 miles of sand at Bournemouth and Poole. Or if you fancy a bit more adventure, the Jurassic coast offers fabulous fossil hunting and rock pooling. My kids loved searching the rock pools for all sorts of creatures.
My home town of Poole has the most stunning harbour which is Europes largest natural harbour, this is a mecca for water-sports enthusiasts. Even at high tide, the Harbour side of the Sandbanks peninsular is very shallow. Making the harbour perfect for learning to windsurf and paddleboard. If you fall off you can just stand up in the water and hop back on!
Summertime is the perfect time to visit and enjoy the sun, sea, and sand at Dorset’s gorgeous beaches. Kids love playing in the warm coastal waters and spending the day building sandcastles. Beach days are just so much fun for all the family.
What could be better than splashing in the waves or trying your best to build the biggest sandcastle possible with a tiny bucket and spade? Spending time searching for fossils with my two kids at Lyme Regis is a memory I will always cherish. Cracking open a stone and finding a fossil is just so much fun, and not just for the kids ;).Kids just love spending time at the beach. It’s such a perfect family day out.
The Global pandemic has challenged us all to rethink our priorities and take stock of what’s important in our lives. I think we are all enjoying and appreciating the simple pleasures in life much more. Even if my Banana bread was never quite instagramable 🙂
“Stayvacations” are all the rage and quite honestly Dorset is a fabulous county to do just that. If you are fortunate to live here already then its wonderful just to get out and explore where we live more. I’ve found so many great hidden gems locally (oh maybe that’s another blog).If you are visiting or hoping to soon, then I bet the beach is high up on the list for reasons you fell in love Dorset.
This year more than ever, I’m getting asked to meet families at the beach for a fun relaxed photoshoots. Whether you are staying on holiday, day-tripping, or live locally the beach is a great location for photos.
My favourite beaches for photo sessions are Hengistbury head with the amazing sunset and great beach huts. I also love my local beach, Sandbanks especially nearer the ferry with the sand dunes ( kids love playing in the dunes) and Studland for the quieter more rugged landscape.
Location photo shoots are some of my favourite sessions for families, especially with the long summer evenings. Why not make your stay even more memorable by booking a beach photoshoot. Those memories really will last a lifetime.
Remember, love the sand between your toes (and in your sandwiches), embrace the sand in the car for the next month. Most of all enjoy!
If you fancy a stroll along the beach whilst getting some amazing photos to cherish, you can get in touch with me here.
Bye for now
Karen x
National Surrogacy Week - What is Surrogacy?
Surrogacy, what’s it all about?
My job as a newborn and family photographer means I meet hundreds of new parents every year in my Poole studio. During the past 10 years, I’ve met parents from all walks of life. No matter what their nationality, beliefs, or sexuality is they love their babies unconditionally. As every parent across the globe does. It’s National Surrogacy week and I knew the perfect couple to chat about their experience.
I’ve been lucky enough to share the joy of well over a thousand couples in being new parents. I’ve heard countless birth stories and their journeys to becoming parents. My own pregnancies were “easy”. I have two amazing kids that are growing into lovely young adults. I couldn’t imagine not being able to share my life with my offspring.
As it’s National Surrogacy week I thought it would be amazing to share one couple’s very personal and emotional account. I learned of their Surrogacy story whilst photographing their newborn baby girl.
Lisa and Sunny’s Surrogacy story
“The statistics show that 1:4 women experience a miscarriage at some point in their life and 1:100 will experience recurrent miscarriages. It says women but I think it’s important to highlight that men are also impacted by this. For every woman suffering, in many cases, there will be a man struggling as well. So it impacts everyone, your friends, family and colleagues. Whether we realise it or not someone in your world will have dealt with the devastating impact of losing a baby through miscarriage.
There will be no two experiences the same, everyone will deal with their journey differently. Only since my beautiful two-year-old daughter was born, do I feel comfortable to talk about my experience. In the 5 years before Lara was born we experienced multiple miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy. Had several rounds of IVF, a couple of misdiagnoses, numerous invasive tests, operations, blood tests and more needles and drugs than I care to mention. The physical, emotional, mental and financial strain of infertility is immense and has a significant impact on your life.
Many people would like to share their journey with others but feel unable to. The stigma that surrounds miscarriage, loss of a baby, infertility feels very real. You battle with yourself daily. It becomes all-consuming and dominates your thoughts and feelings. The emotions I have dealt with include shame, anger, embarrassment, loss, jealousy, desperation, love and hope. It is a roller-coaster of emotions, highs and lows. On more than one occasion I considered living a child-free life, I had a career I loved, a loving relationship, good friends and family but every time I considered it my heart dropped and my future looked dark.
During this time we tried everything. From holistic therapy (acupuncture, reflexology, detox retreats) to visiting top London fertility clinics. Finally, in 2015 I was diagnosed with several blood conditions that meant my body views my babies as intruders and rather than nurturing them, attacks resulting in a miscarriage. After being told numerous times by Fertility Consultants that our embryos are ‘perfect’ I was determined not to give up and after my last loss in March 2016, I decided to research Gestational Surrogacy (where a woman often called a host, carries our embryo for us). And this is where our story takes a positive turn; we met Rachel and her family in April 2016 in a Facebook Surrogacy group and have become firm friends ever since.
The next part of my story is the reason I’m able to talk about my experience now. Our beautiful baby girl was born in November 2017. The day Lara was born, so was I. It felt like a fog lifted, I had found my purpose, my missing piece, it was like that dark future disappeared and everything became clear.
Surrogacy is often a misunderstood topic. Where people think the Surrogate is a victim or being taken advantage of. Here in the UK that couldn’t be further from the truth (there are always exceptions). These women are strong, focused and determined. They have come to the surrogacy world for a variety of reasons but ultimately, they want to help someone have the family they dreamed of. In the UK it’s altruistic so only expenses connected to the pregnancy can be paid, they do not gain financially for giving this incredible gift.
Although our surrogacy journey was straightforward compared to other journeys, it was still an emotional rollercoaster. We were successful with Lara on our second IVF attempt, so we still had to deal with the heartache of a failed transfer which we found out about the day before my 38th birthday. Even with Surrogacy, there is no guarantee you’ll have a family at the end of your journey. Watching Lara now though it was worth every tear, every moment of heartbreak, every penny and I’d do it all over again to be where we are now.
Looking back on my journey, we’ve been taken emotionally, physically and mentally to some dark places. The surrogacy community and the Surrogates that are prepared to help people like us brought hope when we thought there was none. They don’t only change lives but help create them, helping people start and complete their families. They’re some of the strongest people I’ve ever met. I’m blessed to have found the community and made some amazing friends, both Surrogates and other Intended Parents (IPs).
I’m always here to answer questions or offer support so please feel free to get in touch if you’re in the middle of that fog or just would like to know more. Wishing anyone who is in that dark place the strength and determination to continue their journey, whether you reach your dream through your own pregnancy, adoption or surrogacy – hold on, it’s definitely worth it!”
Lisa x
Create Newborn photos at home.
DIY Newborn photos
What strange times we are living in, week 5 of a national lockdown and we are getting full-on cabin fever. So I thought i’d add you useful tips on DIY newborn photos to my blog.
My days consist mostly of battling with my teenage son to get him out of bed before midday because it’s “wasting the day”. This is generally met with a chorus “of what’s the point”. I’m also struggling to see what the point is to be fair, and I’m picking my battles wisely.
Even my naughty dog Scamp ( yes aptly named) has the wanderlust and is finding the tiniest hole to escape the garden and go for a walk.
I’m missing my lovely clients, and the newborn cuddles that are the highlight of my week. What a great job to have! This got me thinking, babies don’t stop being born during a pandemic. Obviously, with the stay-home stay-safe advice we can’t get those early days photographed in the studio.
So how can parents still get DIY newborn photos to cherish?
Create memories in your own home.
You have a new baby and sadly can’t have any visitors to meet your new bundle. So now is the ideal time to create some perfect memories with your new baby. Capture every moment, even if you are feeling very sleep deprived, show family and friends so they can share in your joy.
Download my DIY newborn photos tips.
I’ve put together a guide for you to download. It’s full of helpful advice on how to capture those all-important shots of your newborn baby. These early days with your baby are so precious and fleeting its important to remember them.
Hope you find it useful as a prompt to get the best from your camera or camera phone at home.
I’m sure the Lockdown will lift soon so remember I’m very comfortable photographing older newborns.
Please do get in touch if you would like more information on newborn photoshoots, I’d love to chat.
Stay safe and bye for now
Karen x
Best Christmas tree shopping in Dorset
Christmas tree time
Yay It’s that time of year again, Halloween is a distant memory and the kids are nagging to put the Christmas tree up….Now!
I do try to hold out for December before getting into the festive spirit if the kids will let me. However the one essential item, the Real Christmas tree needs to be sourced and wrestled into the car before Christmas can really get started.
I have been busy asking my photography clients and friends where they would recommend shopping this year for the perfect tree. Here are the top places that have been recommended to get that all-important Christmas Tree.
Moors Valley Country park.
Open 10am to 4pm daily for tree sales, from the 1st to the 16th Dec (or until stocks last).
Trees range from 4ft to 8ft depending on the type you choose , Traditional Norway Spruce or non drop Nordmann Fir.
Why not make a day of it and have some fun in the park with the kids before buying that all important Christmas tree. No time to play, then there is no car charge if you just want to buy a tree and go.
Moors Valley is a forestry commission site, the trees are felled and replanted responsibly meaning there will be Christmas trees for many generations for come.
Brothers farm
Open from Sat 30th Nov
Dorset grown Nordman Fir from the Cranborne Estate.
New kids on the block are the Benson Brothers, I have been following the transformation of their Blueberry PYO with lots of interest over on Instagram and just love this pairs enthusiasm and ethics.
Their moto this christmas is “Christmas is for giving”, so when buying your tree you get to make your very own christmas deccy ( kids will love it) and also make one for Poole Hospital staff as a special thank you for their dedication.
Why not pop along grab a warming cuppa Organic coffee and a homemade mince pie before wrestling the tree in the car.
Trinity St Trees
Available in Dorchester and Weymouth have a great selection and long opening hours. Open till 8pm in Dorchester and 6pm in Weymouth.
This year is their 30th Birthday and to celebrate they are gifting baby potted Christmas trees with every tree purchased. Fab fun for the kids to try their hand at decorating , and if cared for will last for years to come. Pop over to their website to see just what goes into making the perfect shaped tree.
New Park
Situated in Brockenhurst, the heart of the New Forest New Park is another popular forestry commission site. Open from the 29th to 18th Dec and offering Spruce and Fir trees from 4-8ft.
Why not head the beautiful New Forest for a breath of fresh air, pub lunch and spot of Christmas tree shopping. The kids will love seeing some local wildlife. There are plenty of pony’s, cattle and deer roaming freely in the forest.
Here are my top places for the best tree hunting , good luck with the search for the perfect tree. I have been persuaded to put my tree up on the 1st of Dec so i think im going to head over to Brothers Farm to pick mine up.
Dont forget if you are looking for gift vouchers then check out my top 10 here.
My own gift vouchers make the perfect gift that lasts a lifetime .
Bye for now and happy tree hunting