I’m Newborn Photographer of the Year 2021!
Every year the annual Societies of Photographers Convention is held in London. As I write this, I’ve just got back, and I’m exhausted!!
As ever, it was a brilliant event – a great chance to catch up with photography friends but also to find out whether my newborn photography would make the cut in their prestigious photography awards.
Well, I’m delighted to share with you that it did! I won the title of ‘Newborn Photographer of the Year’!
Newborn Photographer of the Year
These awards are entered by thousands of photographers from around the world. Let me tell you, competition is tough in every category!
Many fabulous newborn portraits are entered by some of the world’s very best baby photographers, which makes it all the more thrilling to think that I’ve now won the title!
Although I found out a few months ago that I was in the running for the Newborn Photographer of the Year, so were several other brilliant photographers. So, you never know until the announcement during the award ceremony, whether you’ve been successful or not.
I was certainly feeling nervous as it came closer to results time. When I heard my name, I was delighted!! I was on a high for hours afterwards.
My award-winning newborn portrait
The newborn photo that I won the Newborn Photographer of the Year title with was this intimate portrait of a new mother breastfeeding. Who would have thought it?
I’m immensely proud of this photo – it’s beautiful and raw, and just perfectly natural.
Judges comments
“A lovely, tender moment caught between mother and baby with a fantastic monochrome conversion. This image caught the judge’s eyes straight away as it’s not something they often see in the competition, and its impact carried it through to win the category.“
Shaking off the stigma around breastfeeding
I’m really keen to play a part in normalising breastfeeding and to shake off the stigma around what is an entirely natural part of motherhood.
On the plus side, I do think gradually society is changing. Women are beginning to feel more empowered about their rights as mothers, and are not hiding their breastfeeding as they once did. This can only be a positive thing.
My hope is that by winning an international photography award for one of my breastfeeding images and having this portrait seen by thousands of people (and maybe even more), it’ll help breastfeeding to become even more widely accepted.
I was really encouraged when MP Stella Creasy attended the Houses of Parliament with her sleeping newborn last year.
This led to a wider conversation about the rights and wrongs of traditionally-held views around breastfeeding. It was a triumph for all working mothers when it was announced that breastfeeding is now permitted within the House of Parliament. Slowly but surely, breastfeeding is likely to become accepted in more workplaces as a result.
Celebrating a natural part of motherhood
Breastfeeding does seem to be becoming accepted and celebrated, rather than treated as something that should remain hidden and be not talked about.
Certainly, a world where breastfeeding is welcomed and respected as a completely normal and natural part of motherhood is one that I want to live in. Do you feel the same? Let me know in the comments below.
Breastfeeding photography
I’m asked more and more often by my clients to photograph them breastfeeding their child. This is something that I am always happy to do during your baby’s newborn photoshoot. While it’s not for everyone, it is something I can offer so please don’t be afraid to ask.
Do contact me to book in for a newborn photoshoot if you’re expecting this year, and don’t forget to book as early as possible to secure your preferred date.
Is Newborn photography worth it?
So you’ve found out you are expecting a baby! Firstly congratulations, I bet you are super excited to meet your new arrival. Or maybe your precious bundle of joy has already arrived and your family is begging to see some photos.
You may have decided you’d like to capture those early days with some beautiful professional photos and you are searching google for a newborn photographer.
After a bit of research, you might have found a few prices. I bet you are thinking with everything else you have to get ready for the new baby “is newborn photography really worth it.”
Well, I’m here to tell you why I think it’s worth it, then I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you think it really is.
Have you ever wished for LESS photos of someone you love?
I’ve got to be honest with you, I’ve photographed over a thousand newborns in my 10 years plus as a baby photographer. I’ve met so many families but I have never heard a new parent say ” I wish I had less photos of my baby” Or “I wish I didn’t have so many photos of my family when I was growing up”. It’s the complete opposite, in reality, we can never have too many memories of our nearest and dearest.
Yes I know we are all attached to our camera phones and snap away constantly but, and it’s a big BUT how many of those phone photos are hanging on your wall? Or worst still are you sure they are backed up to the cloud or would you lose every moment if your phone died?
They are only TINY for such a short amount of time!
Oh I know it’s such a cliche, and you will hear it so often over the years but it’s so so true. A newborn baby grows fast, they change so much in the first few weeks. And they don’t stop growing either! We have just bought my son his first car and I still think of him as my baby!
Being a new parent is super tough! You are exhausted and life is mainly midwife appointments and health visitor visits. Then the family arrives on mass to welcome the new baby, Believe me, you’ll barely get a moment to think, and you can forget sleep! Life is a blur of feeding, nappy changes, quick naps, and eating dinner one-handed whilst feeding a baby.
“Cant I just take some photos myself?”
Yes, of course, you can and you will! You’ll take thousands of snaps on your phone. In fact, your iPhone will be red hot from the almost constant use. Your baby will be the most photographed baby ever. The whole family will take photos and lots of them, all those memories created will be so precious to you. Remember to back them up. The love you feel for your new baby is endless.
The thing is, will you exist in those photos, will you get a family photo altogether? I know from experience it’s like I don’t exist when my kids were small. I have photos of them and photos of them together and even with their Dad, only a handful with me in them. Those family photos are the most precious to me.
“But I just gave birth, I feel horrible”
I hear you, every new mum feels the same! Sleepless nights don’t fit well with a beauty regime. The thought of having your photo taken might send you into a panic! My job is you make you feel and look amazing, to capture the love you have for your new baby. Every new parent radiates love, and it’s a joy to watch. Being a new parent is such a joyful and emotional time.
I’m here to help you capture that special time and preserve it forever in something tangible. A photograph really is a time machine, it will take you back to that special moment. The connection between you, the deep affection, and that special bond.
Photographs as Fine Art and Wall Decor.
We live in a modern digital age, we all have photos on our phones but we rarely ever print them. We are so used to scrolling through them, whizzing through snaps of a nice dinner or a night out, and mixed into that camera roll are our most precious memories of our children. I don’t remember seeing too many snaps of a long-forgotten dinner in the precious photo album my mum kept.
The next generation, your children, really does deserve to have their memories preserved, printed, and seen. Not lost on a phone or a hard drive somewhere. What happens when technology changes and like VHS tapes you can’t play them anymore. Print those photos, make wall art from those memories and enjoy those moments forever.
So is newborn photography worth it?
Well, I think newborn photography is SO worth it. It’s worth the extra effort it takes to get dressed out of your PJ’s, put a bit of makeup on, and then making it out the door on time. Not forgetting the battle to get your toddler ready and in the car without forgetting something. All that said, a newborn photoshoot is still worth the effort.
The 3 hours you’ll spend having your newborn photoshoot will give you a lifetime of joy and pleasure. Every time you look at those photos on the wall you’ll remember just how teeny tiny your baby was and how much love you have for that child. I think those photographs are priceless.
Covid 19 has kept us all apart, so many families have missed key events in each other’s lives. It’s important to remember a moment lasts for seconds but a photograph lasts forever.
Want more info on a newborn photoshoot?
I’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have about a newborn photoshoot, just contact me here You can also find all the information you need here
Bye for now
Karen x
Create Newborn photos at home.
DIY Newborn photos
What strange times we are living in, week 5 of a national lockdown and we are getting full-on cabin fever. So I thought i’d add you useful tips on DIY newborn photos to my blog.
My days consist mostly of battling with my teenage son to get him out of bed before midday because it’s “wasting the day”. This is generally met with a chorus “of what’s the point”. I’m also struggling to see what the point is to be fair, and I’m picking my battles wisely.
Even my naughty dog Scamp ( yes aptly named) has the wanderlust and is finding the tiniest hole to escape the garden and go for a walk.
I’m missing my lovely clients, and the newborn cuddles that are the highlight of my week. What a great job to have! This got me thinking, babies don’t stop being born during a pandemic. Obviously, with the stay-home stay-safe advice we can’t get those early days photographed in the studio.
So how can parents still get DIY newborn photos to cherish?
Create memories in your own home.
You have a new baby and sadly can’t have any visitors to meet your new bundle. So now is the ideal time to create some perfect memories with your new baby. Capture every moment, even if you are feeling very sleep deprived, show family and friends so they can share in your joy.
Download my DIY newborn photos tips.
I’ve put together a guide for you to download. It’s full of helpful advice on how to capture those all-important shots of your newborn baby. These early days with your baby are so precious and fleeting its important to remember them.
Hope you find it useful as a prompt to get the best from your camera or camera phone at home.
I’m sure the Lockdown will lift soon so remember I’m very comfortable photographing older newborns.
Please do get in touch if you would like more information on newborn photoshoots, I’d love to chat.
Stay safe and bye for now
Karen x
Is it too late for my Newborn photos?
Is my baby too old for newborn photos?
The current lockdown situation in the UK doesn’t stop baby’s being born. They arrive whatever the situation! Obviously its not possible to venture out and have baby photos done right now, with all non-essential businesses being closed.
The question I’m getting asked a lot at the moment, ” is my baby going to be too old for sleepy newborn photos”.
My answer is always the same. We can definitely create beautiful newborn style photos with babies that are more than a few days old. Infact they can be 12-13 weeks old and still get sleepy newborn photos, it just takes a little forward planning.
How to prepare for the session.
There are a few ways you can help prepare for an older newborn photo session.
- Book the session time to fit in around normal nap times. From about 6 weeks baby start to fall into a rhythm with naps, this means you have a better idea when your baby is most likely to be sleepy.
- Have lots of awake time before the session. Its not always possible especially if you have a long journey to make to get to the studio, but try to have some awake fun time before the session.
- Babies sleep best on a full tummy. Bring milk to the session to fill those tummys and help make them sleepy. If you use a dummy bring that too as it can help to settle baby.
- Dress baby in something easy to take off like a baby grow or vest. This makes it easier to undress them if they are sleepy on arrival.
- Last but not least allow time, time to relax and really enjoy the photoshoot. The session can take an hour or it could take 3 hours, it just depends on the baby on the day.
What to expect during the session.
Whether your baby is a few weeks old or a few months old you can expect a fun, relaxed and stress free photoshoot. I have over 9 years of experience with newborns and have photographed well over a thousand now.
So expect to arrive at the studio, sit in comfortable surroundings drink tea and relax whilst I photograph your adorable baby. I have lots of tricks up my sleeve to ensure we get great photos for you to cherish.
There will be plenty of time to capture those important memories, please stay safe and enjoy the time with your new family. When the time is right, get in touch and we can book that all-important photoshoot.
Bye for now
Karen x
Siblings and Newborns-What to expect during your photoshoot.
Can the rest of my children come to the newborn session?
I’m experienced newborn photographer and a mum of two myself. I know that one of the most important photos parents want from the newborn photoshoot is the siblings and newborns together. I really understand that its the most important photo of the whole session for parents, often topping the family photo.
So yes, absolutely do bring the other children to the session. At the newborn photoshoot booking we can discuss the best way to organise the photo session to include the siblings.
In an ideal world, your toddler/child will sit nicely, carefully cradling the precious new bundle and smile adoringly at the camera. Oh if only, my job would be made so easy!
Younger children especially, react differently to the changes when a new baby arrives. Some love their new sibling others can’t even bear to be near the new baby. On the whole most toddlers just too busy and mostly ignore the new arrival. All of these traits can make it quite tricky to get the siblings and newborns together for the sibling photo.
I have years of experience so I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to help get those all-important photos of the kids together.
There are also a few things that you could do at home to help the session go more smoothly.
Tips for a smooth session.
- If they are old enough then get them used to cuddling the baby. In a safe way either on your lap or in the corner or the sofa with your assistance.
- Try to mention you are coming to visit Karen and shes going to take some photos so its not a total shock when they arrive at the studio.
- Get them used to having photos taken with the baby and ask them to smile.
- Make sure the older children aren’t tired or hungry or both at the time the session is booked for.
- Bring the outfit you’d like them to wear to keep it clean until they need to wear it. Avoid bright colours, patterns and pictures if possible.
- Bring a favourite toy or cuddly to keep them entertained during the session.
- Bribery if all else fails. Try not to make it chocolate though , it can get messy with a mouth full of chocolate.
- Finally don’t stress about the session, I have lots of tricks to help get those all-important memories.
Siblings and Newborns
There are lots of ways to get your children in the photo for the important siblings and newborns together. But if a toddler really doesn’t want to join in then we can use the magic of photoshop to get them together.
Most newborn photoshoot sessions are during the week so if you have a child at school don’t worry, we can split the session. It is possible to do the newborn part of the session, come back after school, and do the family and sibling shots.
Same goes for toddlers, if you think they may struggle to cope with staying in one place for a few hours then have a chat with me and we can work out the best way to get the photos you want in the most stress free way.
Hope this give you some hints and tips on how a newborn photosession works with siblings whatever their age. if you’d like more info then please drop me message.
Bye for now 🙂
Karen x
Christmas Eve Box ideas
Christmas Eve is nearly here.
Christmas Eve traditions for my family are pretty simple, carrot for Rudolf and whisky and mince pie for Santa. However there’s a new tradition landed in the UK from Germany , the Christmas Eve Box. I’ve done a little digging to find out what it’s all about and come up with a few ideas to take the stress away.
Keep reading for my tips and ideas .
What on earth is it?
So if like me you are wondering what a Christmas Eve box is all about then think of it as an early Christmas stocking. I love the idea of adding a little tradition to help get the kids though Christmas Eve , which can end not in the tv commercial happy families but in the kids having total meltdowns having to wait for the big day. The excitement can just be too much for the kids to bear.
To buy or not to buy?
So the box itself can be a simple as a wrapped box, a shoe box would work perfectly as it already has a a neat fitting lid. Why not line the box with festive paper and add a personal touch to the outside with some ribbon it’s as easy as that. Or if the diy option isn’t your thing then there are plenty of boxes available to buy, like this reusable box from John Lewis
You might want to have a personalised box , there are plenty to chose from online but I like these from Not on the high street
What do I fill it with?
The big question, what do you put in it? Well think about the pressies you stash away to stop the kids getting bored and usually buy or make anyway to make Christmas festive.
1, Festive Colouring, why not print out a few christmasy colouring pages for the kids. Check out these fun free Christmas pages
2, Xmas PJ’s , this is a must for the kids festive jammies are just so cute to wake up in on Christmas Day. Why not add them to the Christmas Eve box and make them that little bit more special . We love these from M&S
3, Gingerbread biscuits, Love baking? Why not add a festive cookie cutter to the box and make some biscuits with the kids. Or you could pop in some ready to eat gingerbread men that just need decorating to save time.
4 Hot chocolate, well you are going to need something to dip those biscuits into ! You could add a little packet of marshmallows and a bag of hot choc powder to a festive mug or buy a pre made cone for the occasion.
5, Christmas book, there’s something quite magical about reading a Christmas book on Christmas Eve with the children at bedtime. Wrap your favourite book or add a new Christmas book.
6, Reindeer food, you can make your own food as an activity with the kids or buy some pre-made to sprinkle for Rudolph and the team.
Just a few inexpensive ideas for you to try and i hope this has inspired you to start or continue a cute tradition on Christmas Eve with the children.
Bye for now
Karen x
Shop local this Christmas
Christmas shopping, love it or loathe it?
If you are anything like me then the Amazon delivery man is making daily visits to your door with Christmas pressies. That started me thinking that as a small business myself I really ought to try and shop local and visit those local independent retailers and makers.
Here are a few of my favourites I found on my travels.
I first came across the Attic store many years ago when they were an online based store trading mainly on “Not on the high street” and I loved their quirky crochet toys and gifts. Well, now you can visit either of their beautiful gift stores located in Broadstone and Westbourne. Both shops have something for everyone and lots of items that can be personalised making the perfect Christmas gift.
My faves are the personalised jewellery , chose your item and they will put it on a personalised card with a special message. So much nicer and thoughtful than the normal amazon delivery 😉
Lytchett Bay Soaps
Continuing the shop local ethos we have include this great new small business, free postage and packing over £18 or if you are local enough then its free delivery within 3 miles. That’s a win win to me its local but I can order online and the lovely Liz will drop the soaps off to me .
Looking on the website you are literally spoilt for choice , you can go for a best seller like “storm freya” or make up a super gift box as a perfect present.
Great news too is that most of the products are vegan and plastic free.
Cherry Picked Hampers
Theres something supremely christmassy about giving and receiving a hamper full of wonderful local sourced goodies. Over at Cherry picked hampers they have a wonderful selection of hampers for every occasion, the Christmas hampers look extra yummy. This fab local business ticks the local box by sourcing all their produce from Dorset, making it the perfect gift for family and friends.
Walford Mill Wimborne
Walford Mill is a unique centre for makers and artists, they offer a great range of individual items ranging from ceramics to jewellery and cards in the shop. The current maker exhibition is all about Christmas and there are lots of pop-up artists and makers exhibiting during December making it an ideal place to get those unique and unusual gifts.
The Rhubarb Candle Company
Everybody loves candles at Christmas and I just love this local candle making company. The candles are hand poured and made using soy and not the nasty paraffin wax. Very tempted to get the Christmas tree, Spiced Orange or Gingerbread perfumed candle to make the house smell just oh so christmassy. You can order on the website, pick up at a local gift fair or collect from them in person.
Hope you find that ideal gift for your loved ones, don’t forget that you can purchase a KW Photography gift voucher and keep those memories alive forever.
Bye for now
Karen x
Top 5 places to visit santa in Dorset
Yay, it’s Christmas time.
It’s that time of year again, the excitement is mounting and the kids are getting excited beyond belief that Santa is coming soon. Visit Santa and see the big man himself in person is an absolute must for the little ones, so here are my top 5 places locally to see Santa.
Stewarts garden centre
Broomhill Garden Centre, Wimborne, or Christchurch Garden Centre, Christchurch, Dorset .Both sites have Santa in residence it’s magic how he transports himself 😉 Meet the elves and then Santa himself in his winter wonderland.
The kids get a gift bag and an age appropriate toy. Stewarts is a lovely setting with lots to see and a cafe with good food.
Make sure you booking advance as Santa gets super busy at both sites .
Swanage railway
I always love the nostalgia of the swanage railway and its always been a firm favourite with my kids to board the Santa Special.
Again, its very popular but there are slots left to book a ticket for the hour long round trip on the special santa train. Grown ups get a mince pie and the kids get to meet Santa and receive a gift .
Upton Country Park
Upton Country Park is one of my favourite places to visit, and if you book a location photo session with me then we are most likely to visit the park because it’s such a stunning location.
Each year the park just gets better , this year is no exception with the arrival of Santa and his Elves. Not only do you get to meet the main man but you also get to see his owls and donkeys ( reindeer stayed at home this year ). The little ones get an age appropriate wrapped gift and a printed photo with Santa to take away. Enjoy a visit to Santa, take the kids to the new adventure play park and grown ups get a free cuppa included in the ticket price.
Open weekends and school holidays, pre booking is advisable.
Farmer Palmers
Locals and visitors to Dorset both love Farmer Palmers for a super fun day out with the kids. So with that in mind visit Santa visiting the farm just makes it even better.
Santa at Farmer Palmers is one of the few places locally you don’t need to pre book. Those clever Elves have a “book on the day” system so you don’t need to wait in a queue but I’d still recommend getting to the farm early to get your slot.
Santa is in residence on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and at the weekends too. Best of all Santa is happy to pose for a selfie or two at no extra charge ! Don’t forget your camera 😉
The Ark Poole Park
The Ark are offering a crafty activity to kick off the festivities for the kids this December. The children get to make reindeer food to sprinkle on Christmas Eve, make a Christmas decoration and write a letter to Santa. Then you are all set to meet the big man himself and receive a gift. Open until the 24th Dec pop over to the Ark for some festive fun.
Hope you enjoy meeting Father Christmas over the festive season. If like me you are wondering what on earth to buy the family and friends for Christmas then why not get a KW Photography gift voucher? That way you can enjoy your photos all year round.
Bye for now
Karen x
Newborn, baby and family photography: What options do you have at KW Photography?
Here at KW Photography, I offer a variety of different newborn, baby and family photography sessions so this article is a round-up of the services that are available if you choose me as your portrait photographer.
I want you to be clear on what the options for child and baby portrait sessions with me are so that you can make the right choice for your family.
Newborn Photography
My most popular service is my newborn photography. This is my signature service – the one thing I have become known for and which I am the most experienced in. It’s completely true that photographing newborn babies is my first love!
I just adore working with newborn babies and love creating portraits of your brand-new baby, capturing them as they are in their first few days of life. They don’t stay like this for long, so I think it’s so important to photograph this amazing stage.
A ‘Newborn’ Studio Session
I’m known for my sleeping baby pictures and I’ve photographed over 1000 babies to date!
In this type of session, I spend up to 3-4 hours photographing your baby, creating a variety of poses, and using different props and backdrops to give you a wide choice of images (20-30) to choose from.
Outdoor newborn portraits
Plus, if you want something different, in addition to the traditional posed newborn images, you can now take advantage of the option to have newborn photos taken in my outdoor garden studio as part your newborn studio session. This is included in the newborn session fee.
Outdoor newborn portraits have proved very popular since I started doing them last year. I keep your baby warm at all times, don’t worry! As always, your baby’s safety is my number one priority.
The ‘My First Year’ package
This is a great option for families who want newborn photos and know they’d also like to return for baby photos on two additional occasions in their baby’s first year.
I typically capture babies at the ‘sitting’ stage, at approximately 6-8 months, and again on their first birthday (many families choose to upgrade this first birthday session to a ‘cake smash’ photoshoot).
Another thing to point out is that when you book a newborn session with me, you are very welcome to bring older siblings, family members and even your furry friends to also be featured in the photos. I’m a dog lover myself and know that they are an important part of the family too!
Baby and family photography is what I specialise in so adorable sibling photos and mum/dad pictured with the baby are important photos to take. Family photos (up to five people) come as standard too!
Click here for more information about my newborn photography services and here to see examples in my newborn photo gallery.
Baby and Family Photography
If you’ve missed the newborn stage but are still keen to get photos of your baby once they are a few months old, there are plenty of options for you:
Relaxed older ‘newborn’ photos
Some photographers won’t attempt newborn-style photography with babies over four weeks, but I am very confident working with babies of any age.
The images you can expect to receive when the baby is a little older will be just as beautiful, but they will be more relaxed as your baby won’t be as curled up anymore, and they will be more alert than days-old newborns who sleep almost all day.
Which means that I can usually achieve adorable wide-eyed photos like this.
Click here for more information about my newborn photo sessions and here to see examples in my newborn photo gallery.
Baby portrait sessions
You can also come to me at any time in your baby’s first year for a baby portrait session. Common milestones that parents like to document are the:
- At approximately 3-4 months – I can photograph them laying on their backs, smiling or practising their ‘tummy time’
- At approximately 6-8 months – typically babies are learning or have learnt to crawl and can sit independently which is a big achievement!
- And any time from 12 months old, babies start to walk. It’s lovely to capture those very first steps!
And, if you wish to have more than one photoshoot during your baby’s first year, the ‘My First Year’ package, as I mentioned above, is a great value option. Find out more about the ‘My First Year’ package here.
Cake Smash Photography
Cake smashes are hugely popular and it’s easy to see why! They are such fun for your baby and the photos are colourful and full of personality!
During a cake smash portrait session, your child gets the chance to celebrate their first birthday in style. With a giant birthday cake and sat in front of a colourful backdrop accessorised to your liking, they have the chance to play, eat and even destroy their cake while I take photos!
But while cake smashes are traditionally associated with a baby turning one, they don’t have to be! Rules were made to be broken, right?!
You can book a cake smash anytime from when your baby is sitting up independently, as I explain here.
Click here for more information about my cake smash photoshoots and here to see examples in my cake smash photo gallery.
Newborn, Baby and family photography
So, as you can tell, there are lots of different options available to you if you’re looking for newborn, baby and family photography.
I’m proud to say that I am one of the longest-established newborn and baby photographers here in Dorset and that I’ve worked in this specialist genre of photography for seven years, photographing babies and children of all ages.
An investment into professional newborn, baby and family photography is one that I guarantee you will never regret. The photos will keep the memories alive and you’ll treasure them forever.
To enquire or to book a portrait session with me, please complete this contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!
Karen x
Why professional photographers edit their photographs
If you haven’t hired a professional photographer before, you could be forgiven for wondering why professional photographers edit their photographs.
Common questions I have been asked by clients before include:
- Why do the images need editing – surely a skilled professional photographer creates the image in the camera itself, not on the computer?
- Why can’t I just be sent the digital images, on the day of my photoshoot?
- And, why must I wait up to several weeks to view my images?
The thing is, I realise that when you’ve had your photoshoot, you’re so excited. I know that you just cant wait to see the results!
But I don’t make you wait for your images just to tease you, I promise!
There is a valid reason why, and that is that there is a final stage in the process after the photoshoot itself. And that process is editing.
Almost all professional photographers (some may not, but certainly most do) edit their photographs. It’s a critical step in the process. And in today’s blog I’ll explain that in a little more detail.
What’s involved in a professional photoshoot
Despite what you might think, there is much more to a photographer’s work than setting up a shot and then clicking the buttons on the camera.
- Lots of planning goes into it before you even turn up for your photoshoot
- And after the session, many more hours are spent finalising the pictures so that they are ready for you to print.
Which also explains why professional photography comes at a considerable cost.
You aren’t just paying for the time I spend during your phootshoot – which is up to an hour for most portrait sessions, or several hours for a newborn session.
Behind the scenes of a professional photography shoot
Each and every photoshoot I do involves many hours of work behind the scenes too!
But since you typically only see the final images when I share them on Facebook or in your online photo gallery, you’ve perhaps not realised that there is such a lot of work involved.
Before the photoshoot
Yep, creative styling is a huge part of the work in advance of any photoshoot. Whether that’s a maternity or newborn session, a baby ‘sitter session’ or group portraits with older children, or a family studio shoot.
After all, those coloured backdrops, props, dresses, headbands, newborn outfits and wraps, don’t buy themselves! And I need to setup the photography studio so I am ready for you, with everything I’m likely to need to be at hand.
I have to create and pre-plan my shoots and then editing is a fundamental part of the creative process after the shoot in order to get the image just right.
After the photoshoot
While I will always aim to get the portrait as good as I can in camera, there is always some editing to be done afterwards. I use digital editing techniques to finish each and every image that I include in your gallery.
I do this so that each image is consistent with my KW Photography brand style; something that I’ve developed over the years and which sets me apart from other photographers.
Without that editing, which is the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle so to speak, they simply aren’t finished KW Photography images.
Plus, as in the example below, there may be a need to do some editing to digitally remove parts of the image.
During my newborn photoshoots, I make sure that I always pose babies safely. When I’m trying to achieve portraits like this one, I ask parents to support their child’s head while I take the photos. Then, once the image is edited afterwards, all signs of the parent’s hand or arm are removed. Like magic!
Editing out blemishes
There’s also another reason why editing is important. Often newborn babies have blotchy, uneven coloured skin for the first few weeks. And marks or blemishes on their bodies that parents would prefer to be removed on the computer.
Also, older children may have chickenpox scars or snotty noses (I’ve certainly edited out plenty of snot in my six years as a baby and child photographer!). I can edit the images that I take in my camera to whisk these away!
If a portrait of your newborn baby or child is going to be hung on the walls at home, it’s usually the parent’s preference to have me edit the image so that these things are removed. But let me assure you, I won’t edit to the extreme! I have limits on what I will do.
Why professional photographers edit their photographs
So, I hope that helps to explain why professional photographers edit their photographs? And why there is a small delay in getting the images to you for viewing and ordering.
If you have any questions or concerns about the editing process, do always ask me your questions either in advance or during your photoshoot.
To book your session please contact me today. I’m available on 07749 270431 or email me at karenwiltshire@me.com or complete this contact form.
Karen x